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The past, present and future of interpreting studies in Korea: Focusing on shifting research paradigms. In Translating and Interpreting in Korean Contexts, Routledge, pp219-237 (2019) 
원종화 학술서 공동 집필 : pp219-237 (2019)  한영통번역전공
The current chapter aims to track the trajectories of Korea’s interpreting studies from its formative years in the late 1990s through to the present. According to the investigation, interpreting studies in Korea has adhered to clear categories of paradigms over the past two decades. Some paradigms shone brightly at first, only to burn out after a number of years, especially during the transitinal period around 2004 and 2005, while others took the opposite path. There are also newer paradigms, even though it is still unclear as to what extent they will be adopted in the future.
첨부 :
서울특별시 동작구 흑석로84 국제대학원 통역번역연구소
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